Frank Shortt
Recent columns by Frank Shortt
Frank Shortt
I was born and raised in Shortt Gap, Virginia, just a small berg in the Appalachian Mountains. I attended High School and graduated at Garden High School in Oakwood, Virginia which is now a college of Pharmacy. At eighteen I joined the U.S. Air Force and served during the Cold War from 1960-64. Since then I have lived in San Jose, California. I have two daughters, four grandchildren and one great-grandson.

I have written poetry and short stories since I was just a young student but did not get the formal training in writing until I attended Evergreen College in 2011. The instructor was Sterling Warner and he taught me the fine points of Creative Writing. My hobbies include, collecting books, art, and musical instruments. I was once a performer in night clubs around the Santa Clara Valley. I love to write.

Frank Shortt, Retired Chief of Operations, San Jose, Ca. School Dept.
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A Non-Working Society
One Event Changed His Life
Spring tries to be Sprung in the High Country
Memories of Grandparents
Daily Resurrection
My Wonderful High School Jobs
Fear: Part Two
Thank God I'm now a Winner
What COVID has Done for Humanity
Parents Are much Smarter than we Think
Walking a Familiar Road
Memories of Grandparents
Breakdown in the Desert
A Pointless Life
What Affects Our Lives
Racism in America
How Should we Raise Children?
Is America Great?
First Commercial Mushrooms
Some Clubs I joined in High School
One Lazy Day
Just a Lump of Coal
The Written Word
Jimmy Carter, Oldest Living President
Invasion of Thompson Creek
Eagles Can Get Waterlogged
The Stars Seemed Nearer
Rainy Day Raptor
Water Shortage, They Cry!
Old King Pelican
I Stumbled in Darkness
OOH, You're in For Trouble
Customer Inconvenience Saves Them Monday
Cowboy's Day
A Yearning
As the Waves Crashed the Shore
One Lazy Day
Picking a Name
Atilla the Hun Strikes Again
Fads! Some Stayed and Some Went
Upon Being Discharged from the Air Force
Subjects I liked in High School
One Devoted Professor
Voice Ghosts of Neighbors Past
A Bandaid Society
Heirlooms From My Father
Let's Have a Real Christmas
Elmer Eagle Enjoys a Meal
US and UK Relations
COVID Challenge
At McDonalds
Sideshow at Doran River Bottom
Diaper Dilemma
Sleepless Nights
Elfin Cottage in Red Rock Canyon
A Coal Miner
What Gives?
Little Red the Hereford Calf