Josh Lee
About the Writers
Josh Lee
Recent columns by Josh Lee
Josh Lee is an up and coming young writer, photographer, and graphic artist born in Tokyo, but raised in Honolulu. Lee will be attending Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle to study photography. While there, he looks forward to incorporating all of his talents into both school and perhaps a job at a newspaper. He looks forward to filling his future with work in all three of his areas of interest: writing, photography, and graphic design, hoping to, one day, edit his own lifestyle magazine, on par with Vanity Fair or the New Yorker. As a writer, Lee is never one to hold his tongue, believing that writers should never try to sugar coat or implement damage control. Life isn't fiction -- the writing about it shouldn't be either. In his spare time, Lee enjoys observing life through the lens or with the bare eye. Lee also hopes to one day publish a novel.
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